Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Honour killings are not Islamic!

Just because honour killings are mostly committed in Muslim regions this does not make it Islamic.

  • An honour killing has no place in Islam.

  • A person does not have the right to kill another without any justifiable reasons and nor does he have the right to take the law into his own hands.

  • One article which I came across in terms of honour killings was that a father killed his daughter for not wearing a hijab. Is this justifiable in Islam? Doesn`t one have the right to live according to ones choices and desires. Does a Muslim have to be forced in order to practice their religion? These questions began to fill my mind, but then i came across a verse which clearly states "let there be no compulsion in religion." (Surah 2 verse 256). Doesn`t this say something to Muslims, why are they being ignorant of the verses of the Holy Quran? They should stop and think what the Quran says about human life and reflect upon the words of God. Stop being hypocrites!

I personally believe Islam as a religion is not to blame for this so called devout and religious practice. But rather I believe some Muslims are ignorant of the verses of the Holy Quran and the traditions of the Prophet Muhammad.

Sunday, 20 March 2011

Beware Muslims have brought this practice to the western world!

Whilst researching honour killings in the U.K on YouTube I came across a video which showed Banaz Mahmod talking in hospital after her father attacked her. Clearly from this YouTube video one can see how much fear and stress she is going through. How can a father do such injustice to his daughter?
From this I was shocked and filled with disgust in realising that honour killings also takes place in the United Kingdom.

Hard hearted couldn`t stand his own daughters happiness.

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Muslims have an obsession with honour killings - Allah Hu Akbar!

Do you know that honour killings are mostly committed in Muslim regions?
  • http://www.photius.com/countries/saudi_arabia/national_security/saudi_arabia_national_security_crime_and_punishment.html 
    Well to me it wasn’t a surprise because we are always hearing or seeing certain Muslims blowing themselves up and taking other innocent people with them. In addition, we also hear how some Muslim regions like Saudi Arabia are known as a strict country which emphasizes legal punishments such as death for committing crimes such as adultery, murder, drug smuggling and also one can be executed under certain conditions of raping and committing armed robber
  • So you can’t blame the Muslim regions for having a high number of honour killings because their laws are strict and anything seen as immoral would be quickly taken into account. The fact that there legal punishments are so strict and severe shows that people justify honour killings in Muslim regions because they regard the actions or behaviour of the girl or guy as immoral which for them death can easily be justified.
  • I believe these people who kill innocent lives have no respect for other people’s life so for them killing a woman or a man because of dishonour doesn’t make a difference.
  • Viewing a couple of websites i have come to the conclusion that  most honour killings are carried out in Muslim regions. "Thousands of such killings have occurred in Muslim countries such as Egypt, Jordan, Pakistan, and Palestinian territories, according to the World Health Organization." http://www.truthandgrace.com/muslimhonorkilling.htm
  • The websites which indicate that honour killings are popular in the Muslim world are: http://www.islamawareness.net/HonourKilling/honour_killings.pdf

Not all Muslim countries practice this dreadful activity.
  • Another useful website which I came across mentioned that “Honour killings happen only to some designated Muslim nations such as Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria, Yemen, Lebanon, Egypt, Sudan, the Gaza strip and the West Bank (Palestine), Jordan, Pakistan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nigeria, Somalia, Turkey, Iran and some other south and central Asian countries”http://www.faithfreedom.org/Articles/SKM50702.htm
Looking at this picture doesn’t it make you cringe? Don`t you feel sorry for the woman because I certainly do. Is this Islamic?

Looking through these websites and reading the materials which are provided by the authors the questions which concern me are: 
 Are honour killings just a problem which is faced only by Muslims?
 Or is it a problem which is faced by many, irrespective of being a Muslim.